Simple, quick process mapping
You have been given a project, or task, that requires you to create flowcharts, a business process or visualize how stuff works in your company. You’ve not done this before so where do you get started?
There are loads of tools out there, free tools, paid for tools, software as a service but which one should you use? The answer to these questions depends what you are trying to do. Here’s what makes Skore app stand out from the crowd, if your requirement fits any of these why not give Skore a try by clicking the link on the right. The demo is free and includes full functionality and a built in tutorial to get you up and running.
When you start out you will need to consider what sort of approach you are going to use. This will help you structure the flowchart in a way that helps you solve the problem you’re looking at. There are many approaches out there such as UML, BPMN, EPC and many more. Most software tools will support some, or all, of these to some extent. So it means you’re going to have to learn both the approach and the tool to get the benefit. Ultimately they all provide a way to describe and analyze activities in your organization.
With Skore app we have built our approach straight into the tool so there’s only one thing to learn. And what’s more, compared to other approaches ours is…

Our approach is easy to learn, easy to use and easy to explain to other people. And this is going to be key, especially if you’re going to create this, or share it, with other people. If you are using visualization to help solve a business problem then you need to ensure that you all share a common understanding every step of the way. Having a simple approach means there is less chance the approach itself is going to trip you up as you go.
And because it’s simple it’s also…

A key part to reaching a shared understanding with your colleagues, and successfully solving that problem, is keeping everyone engaged. There’s nothing worse than making your colleagues sit around while you wrestle with a complex notation, or can’t find the right shape in the palette.
With Skore app that does not happen due to the simplicity of the approach and the shortcuts we’ve built into the tool. Your colleagues will be amazed at how you can capture processes at the speed of talking.
So it’s simple and fast but it’s no less…
Another concept that sets Skore app apart from other tools is its native support for process deconstruction, or hierarchical mapping. One of the reasons you choose a software tool over a whiteboard is because you want to preserve and share your work, or even analyse it further. However you loose the ability to be able to see the whole thing in one go while still being able to read what’s written on the diagram.

With Skore app you can map a high level process describing the whole process in a few steps that fit on the screen. You then take each of those steps and break them down into more detail, and more detail, and so on until you’ve captured the detail you need. In fact this lets you focus on the detail while still retaining the context of the big picture.
And with the detail comes…
Important information

It’s also possible to attach important supporting information to every step in the process. You can add extra text to describe the step or you can add links to other documents and web pages.
And with all this you can perform some powerful…

With the structured approach and Skore app’s reporting capability it’s easier than ever to analyze your processes, roles, responsibilities and any other information you choose to attach to the model. And you can export the reports to a spreadsheet for further analysis if you wish.
One powerful little package
So instead of wasting any more time learning a new approach AND a new tool jump 4 steps ahead and start solving your problems today with Skore app!